The live video streaming telemedicine system includes two output channels of live video. First live video stream comes from the surgical endoscopic or laparoscopic camera, while the second video stream shows the general picture of the surgery room.

Two-screen  computer cart shows live video picture from the surgical    camera   on   one  screen,   while   second   screen  and  hands-free   voice    communication    unit   allows conferencing with the  experts assisting the  surgery team from outside the surgery room.

The system can be used also to cast the surgery  to  medical and nursing schools.



DICOM® — Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine — is the international standard for medical images and related information. DICOM® is implemented in almost every radiology, cardiology imaging, and radiotherapy device (X-ray, CT, MRI, ultrasound, etc.). Billions of DICOM® images are currently in use for clinical care.

However, not every medical imaging device, especially the legacy ones, is equipped with the DICOM output. Hospitals around the world are still using tens of thousands of legacy imaging devices not equipped with the DICOM®. We design and manufacture special converters allowing users to connect such devices to MIS ( medical information Sytems) and PACS servers.


Since 2019 Sonora Concepts Integration, Inc. is partnering with InstyMeds Corp., the world leader in pharmacy logistics systems for automated dispensing of prescription medications. The InstyMeds Medication Adherence System™ is a pharmacy logistics system for automated point-of-care dispensing of prescription medications that enables seamless collaboration across the healthcare team in the delivery of value-based and patient-centric care for improved outcomes. What does make that system unique? The system allows the vast majority of outpatients to receive prescription medicine through dispensers, the units combining the convenience of vending machines with the safety and reliability of ATMs, and linked and centrally controlled by the state-of-the-art control system.

1. The system makes prescription meds available to virtually every patient within a few minutes of when doctors wrote the prescription, 24/7.

2. It reduces differences in health care in urban and rural areas and makes prescription medications more accessible and available to countryside patients. 

3. The system provides real-time info on issued prescriptions and dispensed orders, inventory, the outdated/damaged/returned meds. 

4. It significantly increases the transparency of operations with meds, eliminates possible misconduct: from fraud, corruption, waste, misappropriation of funds to simple theft or deliberate replacement of medications.

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